Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Round 1 of the voting is now finished. The committee will meet on 5th June '24 to decided the next steps. More info to follow.
We’ve received 47 entries to the kit design competition. Based on this large number of entries, the committee reviewed how to proceed at their meeting on 1st May.
We're now asking the membership to help create a shortlist by ‘taking the pulse’ of the membership through an online vote.
Shortlisting runs from 4th to 18th May.
The button below will link you through to an external website that we'll use to collect votes. This shortlisting round of voting is just asking you to indicate which of the entries you think is worth being considered as a design for the new club kit, and that you can see yourself wearing. You'll do this by giving a 'thumbs up' to any of the designs you like.
If you don't like a design you can just pass over it.
The external voting website will ask you to provide your email address and then a link to be able to vote will be sent to that address.
Some advice based on feedback -
1. When you link through to the voting website, provide your email address before voting.
2. Click the registration confirmation link that will be emailed to your given email address
3. Only after registering should you start to vote.
4. Once you've finished voting (thumbs up against each design turns green), just close the website. No need to save or anything like that.
You can preview the designs in the slideshow at the bottom of this page. But this is just a preview, you don't vote here!
Note - while we're trying to run an online vote to ease the workload. If anyone wants to vote who can't do so electronically, then please contact a member of the committee.