8 June 2023
Thankfully Covid is beginning to feel like a thing of the past, and is heving very little impact on cycle sport . However it has not gone away completely, so we will leave these revised rider requirements in place for a while longer
Rider requirements
- Rides will be limited to a maximum of leader + 14. This is required under our club 3rd party insurance. If more than 15 people wish to ride, the run MUST be split into two groups providing two leaders are available.
- Obviously…….if YOU, or any member of your household, workplace or social bubbles etc have any suspicion they may be infected now, or within the past two weeks PLEASE DO NOT JOIN.
- No spitting or nose clearing unless you have dropped well off the back of the group.
- Bring what is necessary to be “self sufficient”. This includes hygiene items and what’s needed to fix a puncture etc. Fellow riders may be willing to assist, but should not feel obliged to do so.
- Respect the directions of the run leader. Remember these are fellow club members who plan and lead rides as volunteers.
Review and updates
These arrangements will be reviewed in the light of Government and British Cycling stipulations. While the risks from Covid have reduced substantially, the disease has not gone away, so we must remain vigilant and act in a responsible and considerate manner.
Keep an eye on the members’ Facebook page and/or WhatsApp groups for updates