The latest and one previous Club Members Newsletters are available here. Please contact us with any news or articles. See the contact details below.
After a short gap following the AGM, we’re back. Because there was no newsletter in February, this is another L O N G one.
The annual reliability rides on 23rd February were our 2025 curtain raiser, and were a great success, raising more than £500 for Warwickshire Air Ambulance. The long ride was very well supported despite a hostile weather forecast following a miserable January and February.
Message from our new Chair – Mike Brownsword
It was wonderful to see so many members at the AGM on the 29th Jan, although we’d like to see more of you there. It was great to meet some of our new members also attending their first AGM.
It was well advertised that there would be a lot of change this year as we had 5 members of the committee retiring. We’d like to formally thank them all for the hard work and commitment they have shown to the club over their years of service.
I’d like to specifically thank Margret Gordon retiring president who’s been a constant presence in our own journey since we joined as a family 12 years ago. Ian Cowan retiring chairman having held the role for the last 2 years and Phil Rosenbloom retiring as treasurer after 30 years of service – we’d like to make him a life member but he already is!
I’d also like to welcome our new committee member Mike Wall who volunteered to join the committee at the AGM filling one of our spaces. Unfortunately, we still have spaces on the committee and wider non-committee roles to be taken up, if you’ve got an idea you’d like to take forward or would like to talk about getting more involved please get in touch with anyone on the committee.
Newsletter distribution – from Cliff Dobson
This is the final newsletter that will be issued using the 2024 membership list. If you have not renewed your membership this will be the last one you will see. When we refresh the mailing list, any mistakes in the email addresses will mean a handful of members might not get the April news. If this happens, let me know at
Membership – from Jean Brownsword
Please ensure that you contact any changes to your details so that we can keep the membership database current. We want to ensure that you receive your club magazine at the correct address, and that any other communications go to the correct e-mail or mobile number.
Insurance – from the committee
It is a requirement of the club that all cycling members cover themselves for public liability while cycling - it is part of the Club Constitution. Please ensure that you have the proper cover from British Cycling, Cycling UK, TLI or BMCR. It would be helpful if you can let the club know your chosen cover and membership number (e.g. BC 1234567) via
If you are not familiar with TLI or BMCR, visit their websites at or
WhatsApp groups – from the committee
If you have a mobile number and use any of the Club WhatsApp groups, please ensure that it is the one that is registered on the club database (if unsure, please let the us know via
If your number is not associated with your club membership, you risk being excluded from the WhatsApp community and associated groups.
Membership Cards – from the committee
We have decided to discontinue our traditional plastic membership cards. We do have a small stock of cards, which renewing members can request should you wish to add to your collection. In future we will arrange for an electronic proof of membership instead.
This does mean you should organise your own emergency contact / medical details to carry with you on club rides etc. If your 2024 membership card contains that information, why not carry that? Members competing in BC events will already have this on their race licence.
Club Rides – from Cliff Dobson
The Spring programme is now up and running.
Most ride series now use WhatsApp groups to notify changes, especially when weather disrupts the plans – which has been far too frequent recently! Check out the website for details at
National Race Support – from Mike Brownsword
To encourage those members who race at a national level we’re offering support with entry fees for national races for 2024 and CX 2024/25. Please download the form from complete and return as soon as possible - details are on the form.
Presumed Liability – from Rob Hampton
There’s a petition aimed at bringing the UK into line with much of Europe regarding presumed liability when vulnerable road users are involved in incidents involving motorised vehicles. You can see the petition, and if you support it sign at:
Closing date for signing is 18 May. As of today, almost 50% of the 100,000 votes required for it to be considered for a parliamentary debate have been submitted.
Discount for Solihull CC members
Café Viola at 1590 High Street, Knowle is offering 10% discount on Mediterranean inspired food and drinks to Solihull members on production of your 2024 membership card. They open for breakfast, morning coffee, lunch and afternoon teas. When the sun reappears, they even have outside tables.
Forward Look – planned but not promised
Wed 7/14/21/28 May evenings - No-frills circuit races at Tudor Grange
Sun 18 May – Annual cyclist’s memorial service at Meriden
Sun 1 June – SCC/BMRC road races - Bearley
Thu 19 June – Annual 2-up memorial time trial
New year, but the weather hasn’t made a resolution to improve. Our hardy cyclo-crossers finished off the old year in style with Zoe and Sam again flying the flag for SCC at Kenilworth on Boxing Day. In 2024 we had four category winners in the West Midlands cyclocross league.
January and February are rest months for most of us – and time for the club to look forward to a new year with our AGM, and to celebrate last year’s achievements with the awards dinner.
Absent Friend
We are sad to inform members that recent club recruit Steve O’Hara passed away unexpectedly at Christmas. Steve joined the club as a returner to cycling following an accident. Endearingly “old school” he quickly integrated with the D and E runs, but more than that, he was a willing and regular volunteer at club racing events. Those of us who rode with him know just how much the club meant to him.
There will be a very informal celebration of Steve’s life on Friday 7th February 2025, starting at 12.30 for 12.45 until 3p.m, at the King George VI Memorial Hall, 2655 Stratford Road, Hockley Heath, Birmingham B94 5NH, with reminiscences and light refreshments.
Please could any SCC friends who wish to attend please let Steve’s car club friend Peter Lockley know at
New members – from Jean Brownsword
This month we welcome Colin Yeomans and Jabez Hill
Membership renewals 2025 – from Phil Rosenbloom
Final notification
Club membership subscriptions will remain unchanged for 2025.
If you pay by direct debit your subs will automatically be paid via your existing mandate. Do not fill in another Direct Debit form. Direct Debits will be collected on or shortly after the 4th February 2025
Membership Payment.
Existing Direct Debit - there is no need to send in an application form.
BACS - there is no need to send in an application form but please let Jean know how much you are paying.
Cheque - please send your cheque to me at 19 Thornby Avenue, Solihull B91 2BJ referencing who the member is.
Any cash payments (hopefully few) should be put in an envelope with the members name and put through my letterbox.
If you have any membership queries please contact Jean Brownsword at For direct debit queries contact me via e mail to
Membership Cards
We have decided to discontinue our traditional plastic membership cards. We do have a small stock of cards, which renewing members can request if you wish to add to your collection. In future we will arrange for an electronic proof of membership instead.
This does mean you should organise your own emergency contact / medical details to carry with you on club rides etc. If your 2024 membership card contains that information, why not carry that? Members competing in BC events will already have this on their licences.
Annual General Meeting – from the committee
This is a reminder of the AGM, full details were issued as a member’s bulletin last week, and can be found on the website at
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of 2024 AGM
3. Acceptance of 2024 Accounts and Balance Sheet (copy available on request – contact
4. Matters Arising
5. Proposal: Update to Club Constitution – proposed new version available at
6. Appointment of Officers – Committee and Non-Committee Vacancies
7. Any other business
If you wish to offer yourself to fill any of the vacant committee roles, please contact Ailsa Neely at
We hoped the 2nd order of the Kalas club jerseys would be received in time for you to collect yours at the AGM, but this will not happen. However, there are still 40 jerseys from the September promotion still not collected. Provided you have paid for your September order, you can collect it at the AGM.
2024 Awards presentation dinner – from Mike Wood and Keith Jones
Saturday 8th February 6:15 for 7pm
Robin Hood Golf Club, St Bernard’s Road, Olton
Details are almost finalised. Once again, we will be subsidising the price. Also, like last year, booking, payment and menu selection will be online via a form on the RiderHQ website. Vegan and Gluten-free options will be available.
To reserve your place, pay and select your starter, main and dessert visit:
Those who were awards winners in 2023 will have to clean and polish their silverware a ready for this year’s recipients. Please can these be returned before Friday 24 January (to allow time for engraving) to either Ailsa Neely or Keith Jones as follows:
Ailsa Neely Keith Jones
126 Ralph Road, 102 Creynolds Lane
Shirley B90 3JZ Cheswick Green
B90 4FB
Reliability Ride – from David Fellows
Sunday 23rd Feb 2025 - Red Lion Pub - Knowle
Our Reliability Rides are running again on the 23rd Feb - same format as previous years with the HQ & sign on being the Red Lion pub in Knowle. It’s £5 cash donation to ride - all proceeds to Midlands Air Ambulance
The route details are on the website and Facebook page
I am looking for a few volunteers on the day to help with the sign on, ushering the groups out of the car park and serving tea, coffee, and cake afterwards. I will also be looking for cake donations please.
The timings of the event
HQ open 0800
Long route start 0900
Medium route start 0915
Short route start 0930
First riders expected back 1130
HQ Closes 1500
Please let me know if you can help out - all the donations are for a cause which we are grateful to have as cyclists, but hope we will never need. The event can’t run without volunteers - so even if it’s only a few hours at the end of the event please can you let me know…
Club Rides – from Cliff Dobson
The January and February club rides programme are on the website. Club run leaders are monitoring weather and road conditions and will modify or even cancel led rides if they consider the risks justify it. As these decisions usually happen as late as possible, we will be using WhatsApp groups to notify riders. If you are not registered to one (or more) of the Club’s WhatsApp groups, ask the run leader to get you added.
National Race Support – from Mike Brownsword
To show our support to those members who race at a national level we’re offering assistance with entry fees for national races for 2024 and CX 2024/25.
Please download the form from and return by the end of Jan 25 - details are on the form.
Safety and welfare – from the committee
If something goes wrong while you are a participant in an official club activity, would you have everything in place to deal with the incident?
This could be the tools and knowledge to fix a mechanical, or the means to summon help to get home in case of illness or non-emergency injury.
We ask members to carry emergency contact details with you when on club rides or training / coaching events etc.
While fellow club members can be relied on to help, it is your responsibility to be properly prepared for the unexpected.
Dates for your Diary – planned but not promised….
Wed 29 Jan Annual General Meeting – Solihull Sports & Social Club
Sat 8 Feb Annual Awards presentation – Book early to avoid disappointment
Sun 23 Feb Reliability Rides – Red Lion, Knowle