Between the ages of 6 to 16, there is an age related program of racing or training nearly all year round. A number of the age groups get together on weekly road training rides whilst the older youth riders regularly go out on the organised club runs. The younger riders also get regular opportunities to race or practice in a traffic free environment.
Whatever the activity, we believe that the young riders should always enjoy what they do and just do their best at all times. There is an enthusiastic group of coaches and other club members who work with the young people and their families to promote this important aspect of club life. A full program of racing and training will be available from the coaches. The races being highlighted for the youth team are listed in this section.
If you or a member of your family wishes to be part of this highly successful group of youngsters, then just drop us an email or give us a call. The details can all be found below, or on the contacts page.
At Solihull CC we offer a range of activities to Youth riders, from regular training and coached sessions on the Tudor Grange facility, to weekends away training and racing. The club also has a wide range of club runs throughout the week which are also available to riders.
Please find below some information for parents, which we hope you'll find useful.
The cycling club aims to provide young people with an opportunity to develop their cycling ability under the guidance of the club coaches.
The club coaches (and other officials) are there to support all the young people in the club and to help their development in the 3 S's……Skill, Speed, Stamina.
The purpose of the youth development program is to provide a sustainable program of coaching that supports riders of all ages and abilities and supports those riders as their abilities improve and as they mature as young people. From a competitive viewpoint, the end goal of the program would be to help deliver skilled young athletes into the British Cycling Talent team program and onwards into the BC coaching system. Youth development is not all about competition, so the aim of the program is also to develop young riders who are equipped with the skills and confidence to join club runs or just ride with their friends. Most importantly, our aim is to ensure young people of all abilities are actively encouraged to ride bicycles with enthusiasm and enjoyment.
Using appropriate age-related coaching, the coaches will run structured training sessions that are geared towards specific goals. In some instances, these goals might be a specific cycling discipline…for example CycloCross, or they may be organized road training sessions for the older riders. Programs of training sessions…sometimes lasting a number of months are organized to help tackle long term goals such as improving climbing or improving confidence and general fitness.
It may be that certain riders may require specific coaching or specific advice…in this case, the club coaches will do their utmost to accommodate these requirements. It's also likely that riders of similar ages or ability may be grouped together over a number of training sessions, to help those riders get the maximum benefit from the coaching by training together . However, it's also possible that some sessions will be applicable to most age groups.
Year on year, the club coaches will work closely with the young person/parents/carers to look at the needs of the individual and to help them work out the necessary requirements for the coming months or years.
This might be related to training or it may be equipment/clothing/nutritional advice.
Coaches may also hold a non-riding program of coaching (for example over the winter months) where theory sessions, watching DVD's or cycling skills games may be organised to extend a young persons understanding and knowledge of the sport of cycling.
The youth development program is not a fixed length program. For certain riders, they may benefit from coaching for a short period of time. For younger riders, they may play an active part in the program for a number of years. It is totally dependent on what the young person feels they need and wants to achieve.
Importantly, the club coaches and officials want the program to be fun!
Solihull cycling club will endeavor to follow the BC guidelines related to photography of Under 16's as close as possible